Monday 31 October 2011

Digipack planning amd ideas

For our artist Lewis Mokler, we will be creating a digipack and advert/poster to promote his music. I looked at the Acoustic Magazine website to get some ideas of what adverts look like to promote albums. I also looked at Classic Rock magazine, although there is a bigger range of rock genres, and not much on acoustic music.

On the main page of the website I managed to find an advert promoting an artist called Geoff Watson and his latest album 'The Hurricane Effect', shown below

The layout is quite bold and epic, relating to a 'Hurricane' theme.
There is also information on where the fan can get the album from, here it is available from iTunes or Napster and his website is shown at the bottom.

Possible ideas for digipack

- Picture of artist (Will Mannings)
- Artist leaning against a sign post (Where we filmed in Newport)
- facial close-up
- Pavilion
- Leaning against a brick wall
- Front of face on front cover and back of head on back cover

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