Friday 23 September 2011

BBC News Suffolk - Lewis Mokler

Lewis Mokler on bubble wrap, busking and Ed Sheeran

Although Newmarket-based Lewis Mokler has been singing and writing songs for over four years, he only started playing guitar 18 months ago.

"I'd always write songs and think 'If I could play music to this, it'd sound alright.'

Lewis' first EP, Beginner's Luck, has been released online as a free download and includes cover versions of songs by Ed Sheeran and Adele.

"The first EP was so people knew what I was all about, the second one's going to show 'right, this is me'," he said.

Busking Boy

As soon as he was confident enough on the guitar, Lewis started busking - something he would recommend to all aspiring musicians.

"When you're at a gig, people come to see you," he said.

"When you're busking, no one has come to see you and you can just see expressions on people's faces.

"When I did Bury Busk the other week I got a free burger off the burger van - it made my day."

As well as covering his songs, Lewis has been heavily influenced by the success of Framlingham's Ed Sheeran.

"I used to email him that I'd covered his songs when busking and he was really grateful.

"I'm so happy that someone local has got so big in so little time. He's one of my idols, he's so different, completely niche to everyone else."

Love and bubble-wrap

A self-confessed hopeless romantic, one of Lewis' songs is titled Love Recipe.

"My love recipe would be The Hangover 1 or 2, some chocolate and some nachos and cheese," he said.

The song also uses a line from Jason Derulo's hit record, Ridin' Solo.

"It's my complete song and then I chuck in something where everyone can go 'yeah, he's ridin' solo'. Everyone knows 'Ridin' Solo' so I thought people could sing along."

Although Lewis is currently ridin' solo, he would consider adding other musicians to the act.

"I like playing and writing on my own but I'll consider anything that'll broaden my horizons. I would prefer to stay a lone wolf."

Another of Lewis' songs, Bubble-wrapped Heart, is about opening up to a loved one.

But he thinks that bubble wrap has medicinal properties. "They should pop it in the Heart Foundation adverts," he said.

"Just give them some bubble wrap, it could stop cardiac arrests!"

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