Friday 16 September 2011

Explain the methods you used to attract your audience in your AS coursework

For our thriller video we used several different camera angles including a zoom in/zoom out, above-the-shoulder shots and also various visual effects such as the use of fading out on a shot.
      Our character was a male, we did'nt include any female characters which makes it more aimed at male audiences. We chose to shoot our footage at various locations including here at school, outside a house and in a street. We thought that filming at one place would make it less realistic and less exciting, so shooting at different areas would make it more realistic.
      The only dialogue we used was one sentance. By only using this, the character seemed to be secretive and rather creepy. The audience also never see his face which makes it even more chilling and disturbing. The music we made was also chilling. It wasn't upbeat so it was a good choice for our footage.
      We found it quite challenging to choose title fonts which suited the theme that we wanted. we found a website called 'Dafont' which included many styles, and eventually we found one that we like and was suitable. For our filming we wanted a good atmosphere, when we filmed, the weather was quite cloudy and cold, which was good as we didn't want it too bright or sunny so that the light wasn't overwhelming and would create a glare for the camera.

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